Showing posts with label Dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dog. Show all posts

Thursday 8 September 2016

Dog trapped inside concrete gets rescued

Dog got trapped in a hole in concrete, and he got rescued thanks to the efforts of the construction workers. Happened in Peru.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Text-to-Speech dog

What a bizarre yet fun thing to try, just need to get me a dog now.

Monday 14 March 2016

My code word for taking the dog on a walk...

"I trained my roommates dog to respond to a certain set of words of which some people find hilarious."

Thursday 18 February 2016

Kind vet eats breakfast in cage with scared rescue dog

A terrified rescue dog found comfort Sunday when a Georgia veterinarian climbed into her cage and sat by her until she felt brave enough to eat her breakfast.

Andy Mathis, a veterinarian at Granite Hills Animal Care, in Elberton, Ga., has been treating Graycie for the past two weeks. The small dog came into his care after a woman found the animal in “bad shape, on a dirt road out in the country," Mathis said in a Feb. 13 Facebook post.

The dog, named Graycie, is extremely skittish around people and was not eating consistently.

Puppy "Rem" near death has his sight restored and life saved

Meet Rem! He was at the local shelter, totally blind, and about to die of malnutrition and disease. If that didn't get him, he was also on the list to be euthanized. NOT TODAY REM, NOT TODAY!

Friday 29 January 2016

The dog who grew a new face – Kalu’s astounding recovery (graphic)

Caution: This video contains graphic images of a severely wounded dog and his amazing recovery.

We found Kalu inside of a hole at a construction site where he had gone to die. His face was severely wounded and infested with maggots. His recovery is truly one of the most awe-inspiring and miraculous recoveries we have ever seen.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Saturday 2 January 2016

An abused dog is stroked for the first time

"A puppy being abused is stroked for the first time

November 11, 2015, in the shelter from Breasta-Craiova in Romania, Monica Mitreanu has rescued a small dog being abused. The woman will approach the dog to pet her. Very fearful, the animal will start screaming and crying. But after a few long seconds, he will eventually calm down and accept this mark of affection. where we can see that the dog is doing much better. It has been adopted and is called Priscilla.

In Romania, a young dog was recovered and placed in the shelter Breasta-Craiova. Abused since childhood, the puppy will be very difficult to accept that a human being can pet him. His first reaction will be extremely fearful when a woman will come forth his hand toward the animal. After a few moments, the dog will understand that it is a friendly gesture and enjoy this first caress."

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Sunday 13 December 2015

Saturday 5 December 2015

10 Reasons Why Women Should Have Sex With Dogs

WTF: Chick Gives Her Opinion On Why Women Should Have Sex With Dogs!

Friday 20 November 2015

Thursday 29 October 2015

Dogs enter Howling competition, 5 month old baby wants to battle.

"This is a video of our yellow lab and chocolate lab that constantly get into "howling battles" over who is louder and more ridiculous. They do it so often that our son has decided to join in the war. Enjoy."

Sunday 4 October 2015

Dog drives little Boy in car.....Daisy Driving Oliver

Actual video of a dog driving a car!

"Daisy loves to drive Oliver around in their car. Yes the car is a remote controlled car which I use to accelerate and stop (neither of them can reach the peddles... Haha)... Yes she is really steering it. Hope you enjoy!"

Friday 2 October 2015

Man in Russia Saves Dog That Was Buried Alive Under Sidewalk

Having to rely on google translate.
The title of the video translates from
"Спасение собаки замурованной по имени Белка"
"Rescue dog named Belka buried"

And the description, again translated, so not the best, but you can get the jist.

"По улице Ростовская 58/10 у подъезда №4 подмыло песок и обвалилась брусчатка ну и так получилась яма. Яма была примерно недели 3 без ремонта. В эту яму залазили дети по 4 человека так она шла именно под ступеньки. 21 сентября примерное время было 17.15 мы приехали с Нововоронежа с моим мужем Рустам Вадимом, Сотниковым Александром ( муж моей сестры) и моя сестра Сотникова Алена. Мы с сестрой не обратили внимания что заделали яму и поднялись домой. Затем за нами последовали наши мужья и дома нам сказали что яма заделана и слышан был лай. Ну они и сказали что наверное замуровали собаку. Тут мы собрались и пошли в ЖКХ нашего района. Мы обратились в ЖКХ но нам сказали что работу проводили не ЖКХ, а ДСК и поэтому они ничего делать не будут и мы решили что сами в этом разберемся. Мы пришли к подъезду и мой муж Вадим Рустам начал молотком вытаскивать брусчатку и в ручную раскапывать песок так как лопаты не было(((( Появилась щель которую заложили большим булыжником. Муж мой камень убрал и увидел морду собаки. Начал медленно ее вытаскивать так как она беременная. После спасения собаки яму мы восстановили и угрозы для людей нет."


"On the streets of Rostov 58/10 at the entrance №4 substitution of sand and stone blocks collapsed and so turned the pit. The hole was about 3 weeks without repair. In the pit to climb children of 4 people so it was just a step. On September 21, the approximate time it was 17.15 we arrived with Novovoronezh my husband Rustam Vadim, Alexander Sotnikov (my sister's husband) and my sister Alyona Sotnikova. My sister and I did not pay attention to that patched a hole and went home. Then we followed us our husbands at home and we were told that the pit is embedded and heard was barking. Well, they said that probably buried dog. Then we packed up and went to the utilities in our area. We have asked the utilities but we were told that the work carried out are not public utilities, and therefore they will not do anything and we decided to do it ourselves. We came to the door and my husband Vadim Rustam used a hammer to pull out cobblestones and by hand to dig out the sand. My husband is the stone remover in the video and saw the face of a dog. He started to slowly pull as the dog is pregnant. After rescuing the dog from hole we covered it and there is no threat to humans."

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Monday 15 December 2014

Derby the dog: Running on 3D Printed Prosthetics

See how unique, custom 3D printed prosthetics allow Derby the dog to run for the first time.

Saturday 11 October 2014

The Correct Way To Stop Road Rage

So this is the best way to stop a road rage incident in it's tracks