Sunday 18 October 2015

Yuko Watanabe - Smooth Criminal - a Japanese twist on Michael Jackson‘s classic song

Professional shakuhachi (bamboo flute) player Yuko Watanabe and a backup duo of koto players put a Japanese twist on Michael Jackson‘s classic song: Smooth Criminal.

Who Ate The Cupcake?

They were giving out free blue cupcakes in honor of the New York Giants.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Bizarre Chinese Dessert!


Milk chocolate egg yellow combo!

Hard Ticket to Hawaii - Skateboard Assassin

Hard Ticket to Hawaii is a 1987 action adventure film starring Ronn Moss, but it will always be remembered for one of the greatest action scenes in any film ever!
Watch and enjoy the Skateboard Assassin!

Rare Baby Aye-Aye Born at the San Diego Zoo

Keepers at the San Diego Zoo checked the weight of a one-month-old female aye-aye today (Oct. 15), under the watchful eye of her mother. After distracting mom for a short time with a treat of honey, keepers were able to locate the baby in the nest box, reach in and scoop her up, so they could check her weight. This is an important procedure that is done frequently when the baby is young, to ensure that she is healthy and growing properly. The baby weighed 3.6 ounces at birth and weighed in at 9.03 ounces today. The weight gain is a sign that the mother aye-aye is doing a great job of caring for her adorable baby. The young aye-aye’s name is Fady (pronounced FAW DEE), which means taboo in Malagasy.

Zack Gromko Solves a Rubik’s Cube in 2.39 seconds using a robot!

Cant believe it took so long!

Zack Gromko sets a Guinness World Record mark at Saint Stephen's Episcopal School.

Hero Thai man helps 2 tourists stuck in mud

Great video, two tourists get stuck in the mud, and a local man comes to help them get free. And after helping them he just walks off, doesn't ask for anything, just happy he helped.

He even let them climb on his body to escape! Incredible!

We need more men like this guy!