Thursday 29 October 2015

Fainting on a Rollercoaster

This Guy Fainted almost 7 times!

Being a toddler is hard.

"My two year old was having a rough day. (Yes, he's actually two in this video, about a month from his third birthday."

Dogs enter Howling competition, 5 month old baby wants to battle.

"This is a video of our yellow lab and chocolate lab that constantly get into "howling battles" over who is louder and more ridiculous. They do it so often that our son has decided to join in the war. Enjoy."

Saudis Aren't Used to Rain

Guy keeps slipping on rain water.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Knife vs Gun - The 21 Foot Rule - Great Demonstration

Why cops shoot people holding a knife instead of using a taser. If a persons reveals a knife and he was already closer than 21 feet, you can't holster you gun and switch to a taser that fast.

Legendary Eskrima martial artist Dan Inosanto demonstrates how dangerous an attacker with a knife can be to a police officer inside of 21ft. 21ft can be closer then you think. Would you have time to draw a weapon respond to an attack?

This can also be useful information for citizens who can legally carry a concealed firearm.

Runner Disqualified After Helping Collapsed Rival Finish Race, But Hero of Rival's School

After crossing the finish line in first place during a recent cross-country race, an Iowa runner was disqualified and stripped of his win for helping a rival runner who collapsed before finishing.

And despite an outcry in the local community especially since this was the high school senior's last chance to win the upcoming state title race officials today stood by their decision.

Zachary Hougland, 17, was walking to his team’s camp after crossing the finish line and earning the title of district champion, the first in Davis County High School’s history, when he saw Garret Hinson collapse, Davis County coach Josh Husted told ABC News today.

"Zach saw him and shouted at other runners, 'Is anyone going to help him?'" he said.

When no one stepped forward to help, Hougland put Hinson’s arm around him and lead him to the finish line during Thursday's race before letting go so Hinson, of Mediapolis High School, also in Iowa, could finish the race on his own, Husted said.

"I thought about what it’d feel like if no one helped me," Hougland told ABC News today. "Even though he wasn’t on my team, I thought I’d show some good sportsmanship. I wasn’t thinking about how he was on another team or what officials would say about it."

Although Hougland showed what Husted called "a lot of sportsmanship and character," he was disqualified for helping another runner. As a senior, it was Hougland’s last chance to earn a berth to race for the state championship, Husted said.

Jared Chizek, assistant director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, told ABC News that race officials follow National Federation of State High School Association (NFHS) rules.

"NFHS rules do not allow a competitor to receive or give assistance from or to another competitor during a race," he said. "If a competitor receives or gives assistance, that competitor is disqualified from the event."

Although Hougland was stripped of his win, he is still eligible to compete in the state meet as part of a team because his team qualified, Chizek added.

Hougland’s mom, Nancy Hougland, said she was proud of her son.

"Cross-country is a sport where in some of these places they’re kind of off by themselves so it’s nice to think that the kids have each other’s backs," she said, also saying she thinks the "rules need to be tweaked."

To show appreciation for Hougland, the Mediapolis girls’ cross-country team, which made it to the state meet, made shirts in Davis County colors -- maroon and gold -- instead of their colors -- black and orange, Hinson's mom Kim Hinson told ABC News.

"The back says something like 'He could've celebrated with his teammates but instead he chose to put his arm around me,'" she said. "And underneath the quote it has Garret and Zach's names."

Great Magic Trick

And before you ask, no I do not know how he did it!