Saturday 14 November 2015

Man plays Imagine by John Lennon at piano near Bataclan at Paris attack

He pulled his piano with a bike up to rue Richard Lenoir ten meters from the Bataclan, the theater last night was the scene of the bloodiest terrorist attacks in Paris. Then he began to play the notes of 'Imagine' by John Lennon. Around the pianist, a small crowd.

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

UPS sold my motor on eBay.

Its been a weird couple weeks. See how my 4 rotor engine ended up back in my arms after UPS lost it more than 7 months ago.

Paris Attack: Lucky Guy Mobile Phone Stopped Shrapnel

That is one lucky escape!

Autistic Savant Explains Why Autistics Avoid Eye Contact

Why do autistics avoid eye contact? Why do people with autism look away? What about facial expressions? Should I force my autistic child or student to make eye contact? I have autism myself and in this video I explain all these questions.

Friday 13 November 2015

NSFW: Erdenes MGL Trade union chairman protesting the layoff of workers by setting himself on fire.

Trade union chairman protesting the layoff of workers by setting himself on fire.

Please note this is very NSFW and may upset some people. He does survive however as the photo of hims after shows.

Translation of News Story below.

"Erdenes MGL" company employees today at 12:00 had a media center press conference. The trade union chairman of the Board of Directors S.Erdene covered himself with gasoline and set himself on fire as a protest.

A friend said, "we did not expect that. He did not tell us anything about it,"

Spanish Soldier OWNS American Marine in Arm Wrestling

US Marine vs Spanish soldier. Arm Wrestling

Harlem Globetrotters set seven Guinness World Records® records

The Harlem Globetrotters began November holding five official Guinness World Records® records. They set seven alone on Guinness World Records Day 2015.