Tuesday 2 February 2016

Blooper from Swedish news: "I haven't seen a single tram" - TV4

"I haven't seen a single tram this morning", said TV4Nyheterna's Bo Carlsson in a live story about snow chaos in Gothenburg. What he didn't see, but all viewers did, was what was behind him...

How to Stop Terrorists

It's fine time we stand up against the terrorists of the world and make our voices heard. Join me, Mr. Forthright, and help stop the evils of terrorism.

Open Letter to Fine Brothers Entertainment. Why we Stopped Emailing You.

About a year and a half ago, we had a brief encounter with Fine Brothers. Since they announced React World, a lot of shit has been going down. I don't think they really understand what being producers is about anymore.

Two Guys One Ticket: Bo & Matthew attempt to sneak into a Movie Theatre dressed as one person

Two Guys One Ticket: Two best friends achieve lifelong dream of sneaking into a movie theatre in one set of clothing.

Monday 1 February 2016

Two men stand 20m away from a lightning strike, react accordingly.

Two men stand 20m away from a lightning strike, react accordingly.

Dan Olson explains and "reacts" to the React World controversy with The Fine Brothers

"React World doesn't protect, empower, or enable content creators. It exploits them."

Written and performed by Dan Olson

Twitter: @FoldableHuman - https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman

Why is everyone pissed at The Fine Brothers and the React World video announcement

In one of the Fine Brothers newest videos they managed to tick allot of people off. In the video they seem to lay claim to ALL reaction based videos on YouTube. This is my response.