Wednesday 17 February 2016

How to extract a tooth the cheap way!

How to save $400 with brotherly love.

Super Mario Kart... with 101 players!

Because we all have 100 friends, and 100 spare SNES controllers...
Here's Super Mario Kart with 100+ players!

Perfect drag race audio dubbing

This is so clever, and I think I laughed way too much at this!

Gordon Ramsay Teaching Lazy Bachelors How To Cook A Basic Curry

Gordon spends some time with a couple of clueless bachelors, and teaches them a simple curry recipe as an alternative to ordering takeaways every night.

Kid Fails At Obstacle Course

What a great way to start a life of brain damage!

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Super-strong neodymium magnets crushing a man's hand

This video graphically demonstrates what happens when two super-strength 72mm diameter neodymium magnets weighing 1.8kg slam together with a man's hand in between. This video is intended to demonstrate the incredible power of neodymium magnets and what can happen if they are mishandled.

The results are graphic and are only recommended for viewers over 18 years old. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!