Wednesday 6 April 2016

How far back in time could you go and still understand English?

If you had a time machine, how far back could you go and still understand English?

AT what point in history would you not be able to understand the English language?

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Berklee Practice Room Sessions - No Diggity Cover by Sam Robbins

"This is my first video since I arrived at Berklee! This is an acoustic version of a song we do even better as a full band! This was all recorded live in one take in an 8X5 practice room at Berklee, normally meant for one person. Such a fun video recorded and filmed by Evan Fulcher! Alex Fansel is playing snare and Max Grazier is on bass. Thanks for watching!"

Sunday 3 April 2016

The Tough-Skinned Tamandua Is Hard as Nails

Meet Tammy and Lucho. They're tamanduas, the smaller cousins of the giant anteater. When a predator gets too close, the tamandua will release a stinky spray four times stronger than a skunk's. Its coarse, thick fur also keeps ants at bay. But hunting and the exotic pet trade are a constant threat. This is the tamandua.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Triple pendulum swing-up and swing down

Feedback control algorithm fights gravity. Implemented in the REX Control System.

The cart is controlled by a feedback control law to suppress the natural chaotic movement of a triple pendulum. Wireless transmission of data from arms' rotation sensors.

Friday 1 April 2016

3D Printed Flying Wing Pod

The pod's walls are made of two 1 layer thick walls separated by 3mm and 3% infill. Or you could just say 3mm thick hollow walls.

Thursday 31 March 2016

Molten Copper vs Ice Exploding Ice

I'm Pouring molten scrap copper on ice. In this video i don't know why but it caused an explosion. I'm not sure what went wrong, when i was pouring the copper on the ice it was weird because it wasn't even making any sound. The explosion sent molten copper flying everywhere even burned my right hand my shoulder and my foot and to top it off it even caused a fire on a wood pile like 40 feet away. when the camera falls you can hear ice and copper falling from the sky at 0:14 seconds in my video. and on 0:19 seconds you can see the molten copper flying. I'm Melting Copper using my metal melting propane furnace. This furnace is capable of reaching temperatures up to 2500 °F