"Jez Forgets the Turkey" is a classic moment from the British sitcom Peep Show, specifically in the Christmas-themed episode titled "Seasonal Beatings" from Series 7. The show, known for its dark humor and unique first-person perspective, features Mark Corrigan (David Mitchell) and Jeremy "Jez" Usborne (Robert Webb) navigating through life's awkward moments.
In this episode, Mark hosts a Christmas dinner to impress his family and girlfriend, Dobby. Mark is his usual uptight self, desperate for everything to be perfect. He entrusts Jeremy, his unreliable and perpetually irresponsible flatmate, with a simple yet crucial task: cooking the Christmas turkey.
True to form, Jeremy completely forgets to even start cooking the turkey, leaving it raw and inedible when it's time to serve dinner. As the tension escalates, Jeremy, in a misguided attempt to salvage the situation, decides to microwave the turkey, which only makes things worse. The debacle contributes to Mark’s increasing stress and the dinner spiraling into chaos.
The moment is quintessential Peep Show, blending humor and cringe-worthy discomfort, and it highlights the stark contrast between Mark's neurotic desire for control and Jeremy's carefree incompetence. It’s a fan-favorite scene that perfectly encapsulates the series’ unique charm.