Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Friday, 24 March 2017

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Friday, 18 December 2015

Monday, 7 December 2015

3 Russian Girls - Young Adults - Can't Stop (Red Hot Chili Peppers cover)
Алена Налимова - вокал, тамбурин, шейкер
Анна Ворфоломеева - укулеле, вокал
Лера Степаненко - тромбон

Elena Nalimova - vocals, tambourine, shaker
Anna Varfolomeeva - ukulele, vocals
Lera Stepanenko - trombone

Friday, 23 October 2015

Russian Football Pitch Invader Epic Return to the Stand!

Выпрыгнул с сектора после гола, и смог вернуться! Парень красава!

He jumped out of the stand after the goal and was able to return!

Friday, 2 October 2015

Man in Russia Saves Dog That Was Buried Alive Under Sidewalk

Having to rely on google translate.
The title of the video translates from
"Спасение собаки замурованной по имени Белка"
"Rescue dog named Belka buried"

And the description, again translated, so not the best, but you can get the jist.

"По улице Ростовская 58/10 у подъезда №4 подмыло песок и обвалилась брусчатка ну и так получилась яма. Яма была примерно недели 3 без ремонта. В эту яму залазили дети по 4 человека так она шла именно под ступеньки. 21 сентября примерное время было 17.15 мы приехали с Нововоронежа с моим мужем Рустам Вадимом, Сотниковым Александром ( муж моей сестры) и моя сестра Сотникова Алена. Мы с сестрой не обратили внимания что заделали яму и поднялись домой. Затем за нами последовали наши мужья и дома нам сказали что яма заделана и слышан был лай. Ну они и сказали что наверное замуровали собаку. Тут мы собрались и пошли в ЖКХ нашего района. Мы обратились в ЖКХ но нам сказали что работу проводили не ЖКХ, а ДСК и поэтому они ничего делать не будут и мы решили что сами в этом разберемся. Мы пришли к подъезду и мой муж Вадим Рустам начал молотком вытаскивать брусчатку и в ручную раскапывать песок так как лопаты не было(((( Появилась щель которую заложили большим булыжником. Муж мой камень убрал и увидел морду собаки. Начал медленно ее вытаскивать так как она беременная. После спасения собаки яму мы восстановили и угрозы для людей нет."


"On the streets of Rostov 58/10 at the entrance №4 substitution of sand and stone blocks collapsed and so turned the pit. The hole was about 3 weeks without repair. In the pit to climb children of 4 people so it was just a step. On September 21, the approximate time it was 17.15 we arrived with Novovoronezh my husband Rustam Vadim, Alexander Sotnikov (my sister's husband) and my sister Alyona Sotnikova. My sister and I did not pay attention to that patched a hole and went home. Then we followed us our husbands at home and we were told that the pit is embedded and heard was barking. Well, they said that probably buried dog. Then we packed up and went to the utilities in our area. We have asked the utilities but we were told that the work carried out are not public utilities, and therefore they will not do anything and we decided to do it ourselves. We came to the door and my husband Vadim Rustam used a hammer to pull out cobblestones and by hand to dig out the sand. My husband is the stone remover in the video and saw the face of a dog. He started to slowly pull as the dog is pregnant. After rescuing the dog from hole we covered it and there is no threat to humans."

Monday, 30 September 2013

The Power of the Russian Oktavist

The oktavist is a type of voice used in Russian liturgical and folk music. These singers sing roughly an octave below the bass range. The point of this video, however, is not to demonstrate the sheer depth of these voices, but rather their power. Any bass can croak these notes into a microphone, but what sets these voices apart is their ability to perform notes like this over a choir, to a large audience, with absolutely no amplification. I have here featured only Russian oktavists, but there are many deep, powerful basses from other countries as well.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Russian Truck Gas Explosion

A Russian truck carrying gas canisters crashed on a highway. The crash ignited 36 tanks, which exploded (in some cases propelled "like missiles") for 10 minutes. No one was killed, including the driver who quickly ran into the woods.