Sunday, 8 November 2015

Los Angeles UFO - 7th November 2015

"Hey guys, so we were just randomly up on the target parking structure shooting some night footage, timelapses etc. for the vlog and as we were literally walking back to the car Jason pointed out this ufo that wasn't anything but a suspicious orange looking light moving fast..I was able to begin recording right then and there, and as you can see in the video, it turns into something that releases some sort of giant blue light in a circular haze.. It was easily the craziest thing I've witnessed. I rushed home to upload this..comment below what you think or have heard it might be..skip to 1:19 to see to when the UFO releases a giant light."

Another Video

"This strange sight was seen near San Francisco minutes before this video was posted. It left a glowing trail for quote some time. I have no clue what it was. Maybe you have an idea?"

Saturday, 7 November 2015

CatDad Feeds His Kitties In Cat Mask Fail!

Time to feed my babies.

Asian Mike Lavin And His Cat


Motorcycle Crash

"I was driving Northbound on I-5 in San Diego this morning when I captured this motorcycle crash on my G1W-C dashcam. It's amazing this rider walked away from the accident; his helmet definitely saved his life! Thanks to the great people who took the few seconds out of their day to stop and help this guy."

Friday, 6 November 2015

Is soccer a sport only for boys?

Women dresses up as man and shows some lads her skills

A Korean Acapella cover of Stevie Wonder's 'Isn't She Lovely'

Damn these Koreans have got talent!

Korean Girl Covers Hello by Adele and she is amazing!

A student from Seoul Music High School singing Adele's "Hello"
How she sings and expresses "Hello" is just amazing!