Monday, 28 November 2016

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Being an Asian Australian

Hey guys! Just a little video about what it's like being an Australian! I hope you've learnt a few things along the way too haha :D

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Friday, 25 November 2016

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

ViBand: High-Fidelity Bio-Acoustic Sensing Using Commodity Smartwatch Accelerometers

We developed a custom smartwatch kernel that boosts the sampling rate of a smartwatch’s existing accelerometer to 4 kHz. Using this new source of high-fidelity data, we uncovered a wide range of applications. For example, we can use bio-acoustic data to classify hand gestures such as flicks, claps, scratches, and taps, which combine with on-device motion tracking to create a wide range of expressive input modalities. Bio-acoustic sensing can also detect the vibrations of grasped mechanical or motor-powered objects, enabling passive object recognition that can augment everyday experiences with context-aware functionality. Finally, we can generate structured vibrations using a transducer, and show that data can be transmitted through the human body. Overall, our contributions unlock user interface techniques that previously relied on special-purpose and/or cumbersome instrumentation, making such interactions considerably more feasible for inclusion in future consumer devices.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

The Route 66 Musical Road - Tijeras, New Mexico

Just east of Albuquerque and near the village of Tijeras, New Mexico, there lies a length of Route 66 that has a series of grooves cut into it (also known as a rumble strip) and if you drive over them at exactly 45 MPH, the sound of your vibrating tires will play a portion of "America the Beautiful"! Apparently, this was a project that the National Geographic Society worked on in conjunction with the New Mexico Department of Transportation for a series they were doing called "Crowd Control" and the purpose of it was to develop a way to encourage drivers to slow down. In this short video, you'll get to see Cindy and I drive over this Musical Road in our Jeep Renegade and you'll get to hear the tune being played.