Thursday, 11 January 2018

1956 Housewife on Acid: Veteran's Hospital LSD 25 Testing

In 1956 this unnamed American housewife took LSD at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Los Angeles. This woman's husband was an employee at the hospital and referred her to this study, which was reportedly done for a television program on mental health issues.

This video was found by biographer Don Lattin.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

The Continental Divide Trail in Four Minutes

This video shows Mac, from traveling the length of the Continental Divide Trail from the US/Mexico border to the US/Canada border across 3,100 mi / 5,000 km or trail through New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana.

I hope this video continues to spread the beauty of the CDT and share its glory with hikers and dreamers alike.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Fetching Omnicopter

We have developed a computationally efficient trajectory generator for six degrees-of-freedom multirotor vehicles, i.e. vehicles that can independently control their position and attitude. The trajectory generator is capable of generating approximately 500'000 trajectories per second that guide the multirotor vehicle from any initial state, i.e. position, velocity and attitude, to any desired final state in a given time. In this video, we show an example application that requires the evaluation of a large number of trajectories in real time.

Monday, 8 January 2018

It's not easy to be a tram driver.

It's not easy to be a tram driver.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Friday, 5 January 2018

When you try all the sounds and beats on your synth while only playing Oasis - Wonderwall

"Since i don't have human friends i did this instead of partying on new year's eve enjoy

(yes i actually bought the damn keyboard for only this one video)"