Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Tucker Carlson's new Twitter 10 minute monologue episode gets tens of millions of views in a few hours.


Despite people claiming that Tucker Carlson would fail as a social media "vlogger", reality has proved the opposite, as after just a few hours Episode 1 of his new Twitter exclusive monologue show, has gained tens of millions of viewers, and is gaining millions more every hour.

You can watch below, as he questions the latest pro war narrative of the mainstream media.

Sunday, 4 June 2023

How Designer Brands Keep You Poor


They target the poor, not the rich. Buying designer brand products can trap you in a cycle of chasing status, sinking debt, and losing out on the chance to build real wealth. Let's talk about why designer brands will keep you poor.

In this video essay, we're talking about how designer brands, from Hermes to Louis Vuitton to Rolex, are bad for your financial health. Spending money on designer items comes at a cost to your bank account and to our planet. These flashy brands create a fake illusion of wealth, but are they what actual wealthy people buy?

Thursday, 1 June 2023

US President Joe Biden has had ANOTHER fall! - Time for the retirement home.


US President Joe Biden has had ANOTHER fall! - Time for the retirement home. 

President Biden has fallen on stage while handing out diplomas at the Air Force Academy in Colorado. The 80-year-old commander-in-chief tripped and fell his knees and then got back up during the graduation ceremony. 

Is it time for the 25th Amendment? 

If the embedded video below doesn't load, you can watch directly on our twitter account at

Little Rock Tornado March 31 2023. Direct hit, near death


Little Rock Tornado March 31 2023. Direct hit, near death

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Chris Hadfield on SpaceX rocket exploding: It was 'enormously successful'


Canadian retired astronaut Chris Hadfield explains why SpaceX will learn so much from their giant rocket exploding after liftoff.